Does anyone know if it is possible to use one of these jukeboxes under
Tru64? And if so, what software is required?
The jukebox is a 150 CD changer with upto 4 drives (ours has 3).
It's previously been used on Solaris. The robotics are controlled by a
serial interface (RS232) rather than the scsi interface...
Any help much appreciated,
= Jonathan Nicholson - Team Leader : System Support "Special Projects" =
= The Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambs, CB10 1SA =
= Email: -=- Tel: 01223 834244 x4987 -=- Fax: 01223 494919 =
Received on Wed Sep 06 2000 - 07:31:49 NZST