SUMMARY:Filesystem remote copy

From: Tom McCarrick <>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 17:09:12 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)

(Original question at end)

Many thanks to all who replied. I decided to go for the nfs mount option as I
reasoned it would be faster ( e.g. mount the target filesystems on the source
system) and then use ' vdump -0uf - /mfg | vrestore -xf /mfg2' (suggested by
Hasan Atasoy).
  However - exercise caution when running 'nfssetup' - not recommended in a
live database environment!

I need to copy an entire filesystem from one DS20 machine to another DS 20 over
 the network. A tape backup and restore is not practical because of the size (60
 gig approx). Is it possible to do this using a combination of vdump, rsh and
 vrestore? (BTW, it's an ADVFS).
 My own unsuccessful attempts attempts went something along these lines:
 "vdump -0uf - /mfg | rsh george | vrestore -xf /mfg".

Regards - Tom
Received on Mon Sep 11 2000 - 16:11:36 NZST

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