I have ES40 with Tru64 V4.0F I want export Display
1.- Name of ES40 is alpha1
2.- Name station is cdwriter
3.- I run dxsession for add my host cdwriter into security then save this
I login with my user and run
$ export DISPLAY
$ xhost -
xhost: unable to open display "cdwriter:0"
$ DISPLAY=cdwriter:0.0
$ export DISPLAY
$ xhost -
xhost: unable to open display "cdwriter:0.0"
$ xhost + alpha1
xhost: unable to open display "cdwriter:0.0"
This is HOME directory
.Xauthority .cshrc .login .sh_history bin
.Xdefaults .dt .profile .sysman core
.Xdefaults.old .dtprofile .rhosts DXterm
# more .Xauthority
# more .Xdefaults
DXsession.host_list: jburbano,cdwriter
DXsession.num_hosts: 2
Thank you
Ing. Juan Carlos Burbano
ASE Compaq & MCSE
Received on Tue Feb 01 2000 - 16:39:50 NZDT