Dual redundant HSZ70/80 - can you partition disks?

From: John Speakman <speakman_at_biost.mskcc.org>
Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2000 14:18:57 -0500

John Speakman wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> BIG multi-part summary of our experience with moving from LSM
> system disk mirroring to SWXCR still owing, but I have a new
> semi-related question:
> HSZ70/HSZ80 RAID controllers allow partitioning (i.e. splitting
> a single drive into up to 8 virtual drives), but they don't support
> a dual-redundant controller configuration if partitioning is used.
> Does anyone know if there's a way round this?
> Background: Unix 4.0E, TCR 1.5, 2 x 4100s clustered together,
> connected to shared disk array in SW800 cabinet using KZPSAs
> connected to dual-redundant HSZ50 controllers. We use
> Oracle Parallel Server, whereby the shared Oracle tablespaces
> are located on DRDs (distributed raw devices); our problem is
> that our database has (i.e., needs) a gazillion tiny tablespaces.
> OPS requires that each tablespace be on a different DRD and
> each DRD be equivalent to a logical disk partition. Each
> volume has 8 partitions (e.g. rznna-rznnh) but that's the most
> we can divide it up. Currently we get around this using LSM
> to split the disks up to teeny-tiny little disks so 8 partitions is
> enough. We are looking to get rid of LSM and were
> considering upgrading to HSZ70/80 to make use of their
> hardware-level partitioning capabilities, but looking at the
> documents online I see that if you use partitions, a dual
> redundant HSZ controller configuration is not supported.
> Can anyone think of any ways around this?
> Thanks in advance, i'll summarize
> john
Received on Tue Feb 01 2000 - 19:19:54 NZDT

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