-----Original Message-----
From: Brewer, Lee (IndSys, GEFanuc, NA)
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 10:33 AM
To: 'Tony McElhill'
Subject: RE: rerouting an IP Address to another
The orginal setup was very similar to what you quoted, but HOST B actuall
tells other boxes what HOST A address is. It uses ARP and resolves
a.b.c.d. The actual service on host B is then using a.b.c.d. Telnet and
Ping use e.f.g.h...
Lee Brewer
-----Origina l Message-----
From: Tony McElhill [mailto:tony.mcelhill_at_uk.airsysatm.thomson-csf.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 10:23 AM
To: Brewer, Lee (IndSys, GEFanuc, NA)
Subject: Re: rerouting an IP Address to another
Hi Lee,
I'm not an networks expert, but here's what I think you need to do.
On hostB /etc/hosts enter:
hostb s.t.u.v
hosta e.f.g.h
On hostA /etc/hosts enter:
hosta a.b.c.d
hostbF w.x.y.z
Then if you ping "hosta" from hostb it will use the FDDI NIC (fta0), but
hosta will resolve it's own IP as the ethernet. I guess there's no need for
hosta to know of hostb via ethernet, or vice versa? - Only for OTHER hosts
to know of them via this route.
And similarly if you ping "hostb" from hosta........ and so on.
I suppose maybe you should add a route for the fibre, but I'm not sure that
it will be necessary.
I hope this helps!
Brewer, Lee (IndSys, GEFanuc, NA) wrote:
In a conversation with SAP they advised me to use static routing to redirect
calls from an IP address to another in order to route the call through
another interface.
Host A IP address: a.b.c.d netmask Ethernet card tu0
Host A IP address: e.f.g.h netmask FDDI card fta0
Host B IP address s.t.u.v netmask Ehternet card tu0
Host B IP address w.x.y.z netmask FDDI fta0
Host A and B are on the same subnet for the Ethernet interface and on a
private FDDI lan for the ftao interface. The FDDI lan is isolated for all
other nets.
I would like box A and B to declare thier Ethernet address in ARP. So that
they resolve for other boxes as Ethernet. This is true also for Box B, I
would like for it to resolve the IP address for box A as a.b.c.d but when
it uses the address a.b.c.d it really uses e.f.g.h.
I made an entry in the /etc/hosts for Host A
Host A a.b.c.d
so it resolves to a.b.c.d to its name.
I added the static route on Host B
route add -all -host a.b.c.d e.f.g.h
I then used traceroute...It listed one hop...as a.b.c.d...Did it fail to
route through e.f.g.h???
g GE Fanuc Automation
Lee Brewer
Sr. Information Systems Engineer
Tel: (804) 978-5937, Dial Comm: 8*277-5937
Fax: (804) 978-5907, Dial Comm: 8*277-5907
Cell: 804-882-0725
Email: lee.brewer_at_cho.ge.com
Address: GE Fanuc Automation N.A., Inc.
29 North & Rt. 606
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Tony McElhill
Development Support Engineer
Airsys ATM
Oakcroft Road, Chessington, Surrey KT9 1QZ England.
Tel: 020-8391-6438
Fax: 020-8391-6137
e-mail: tony.mcelhill_at_uk.airsysatm.thomson-csf.com
Received on Thu Nov 09 2000 - 15:57:06 NZDT