Original question:
After I install another 2 hard disks (9 GB and 4GB) on our Digital Unix
I formatted them and made partition to them with diskconfig.
I want to mount them with the command:
mount /dev/rre1c to /usr/users/databut
it gave the device busy message:
ksh:godzilla:/># mount /dev/rre1c /usr/users/data
/dev/rre1c on /usr/users/data: Device busy
I wrote the 2 lines on /etc/fstab
/dev/rre1c /usr/users/data ufs rw 0 2
/dev/rre2c /usr ufs rw 0 2
then reboot. The disks still can't mount on Unix computer.
Could you help me?
1.You need to use the "cooked" devices, not the "raw" device. To mount the
disk, you need to do the following: mount /dev/re1c /usr/users/data
Take the first "r" off of your device name, and you'll be in business. :)
2. Is /usr/users/data already a mount point on another disk? You can't
mount two disks to the same place.
3. The error "Device Busy" is usually caused by one of two
1. A file system already being mounted there.
2. At least one process having an open file on that
file system. A process having that directory as
its current directory counts as an open file.
Either one could have been the cause of the failure
the first time you tried it. #1 is more likely if
the file system can't be mounted on a reboot.
Another problem is that you're using the raw device to
mount the file system and you should use the block
device; /dev/re1c. The transcription of the fstab
lines is missing the last field of the /usr line, but
I don't know if that is causing a problem or not.
You may also want to switch the order of the lines so
that /usr is mounted first and then /usr/users/data.
If you have a separate /usr/users, you'll want it
between /usr and /usr/users/data.
Thanks to:
Blake Roberts [BLAROB_at_HBSI.COM]
John J. Francini [francini_at_progress.com]
Claudio Tantignone [C_Tantignone_at_sondaarg.com.ar]
Freesmeyer, Mary [Mary.Freesmeyer_at_LendersService.com]
Michael Bucholtz [mbucholtz_at_ceiss.org]
Martin Barrett [martin.barrett_at_carltontv.co.uk]
Brian Hostetter [BrianH_at_dice.com]
Emil L. Dragic [emil_at_mobtel.co.yu]
Pierre Bergdolt [Pierre.Bergdolt_at_alcatel.fr]
Peter Reynolds [PReynolds_at_synstar.com]
Nikola Milutinovic [Nikola.Milutinovic_at_ev.co.yu]
Niels Roetert [Niels.Roetert_at_pqr.nl]
Hongya Zu
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Received on Fri Feb 04 2000 - 16:22:50 NZDT