Well, it proved to be relatively simple, even if I still can't find any
mention of it on the manual.
Here is where it's at:
Within asemgr :
Managing ASE Services ->
Service Configuration ->
Modify a service ->
service you want to rename ->
General service information ->
Miscellaneous modifications for your service ->
Service name
I believe the service had to be online to get to this option, and you have
to make sure to have the hosts file updated before doing the rename (if
there is an IP associated with it).
Thanks for the help.
---------------------- Forwarded by Gregory P Wertz/BISYS_BPS on 04/18/2000
03:13 PM ---------------------------
gwertz_at_BISYS-Plans.com on 04/13/2000 08:04:25 AM
To: tru64-unix-managers_at_ornl.gov
cc: (bcc: Gregory P Wertz/BISYS_BPS)
Subject: Renaming cluster services
Can I rename a TruCluster 1.6 disk or NFS service or do I have to delete it
and recreate it with the new name?
Received on Tue Apr 18 2000 - 19:19:54 NZST