SUMMARY: doconfig fails with PK4

From: <>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 08:00:22 +0200

Thanks to all who have helped.
The Problem was caused by a forgotten installation of gnu make.
The Compaq Support Center in Germany ask us to check for this,
and i found that make was linked against gmake.
After having removed that link new Kernel compiles.
Thats it.

> Hi Managers
> After Compaq advised us to install PK4 on DU4.F on an ES40
> we aren't able to build a new Kernel.
> No matter whether i run a doconfig -c <NAME>, doconfig or doconfig -a;
> after the MAKDEV part the command fails with:
> Makefile:834: *** Recursive variable `target_machine' references itself (eventually). Stop.
> *** WARNING ***
> An error has occurred during system configuration. A partial listing
> of the error log file (./errs) follows:
> Makefile:834: *** Recursive variable `target_machine' references itself
> (eventually). Stop.
> Any Ideas.
> Thanks in advance
> ########################################################
> Dirk Lammers An der Autobahn
> Bertelsmann mediaSystems NDN-ER3 33311 Guetersloh
> mail:
> phone: +49-5241-80-40106
> ########################################################
Received on Tue Aug 22 2000 - 06:02:24 NZST

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