Dear Sirs/Madame
>VMS/Unix printing direct to thermal transfer and dot-matrix and laser
printers….one product for all printers
>For VMS/UNIX printing directly to thermal transfer pritners
>>we have a Windows design front end software called
>>TattooID. And a VMS/UNIX print engine called PrintWheel.
>>TattooID design label/form, then another Windows product
>>called Tat2PWL converts the format code to native printer
>>language. When you append the variable data on UNIX
>>to the end of the PrintWheel file, PrintWheel merges
>>the native language printer code with the appended data
>>and pritns directly to Sato, Zebra, Printronix, etc.
>>You can down load TattooID from
>>To download you need to fill out the form
>>fields, PLEASE put " CHASD sent me "
>>in any field so they know I sent you.
>>After you try TattooID, I can sign you up
>>for a trial of the VMS/UNIX PrintWheel product.
>>Thank you again
>>800 600 2242 xt 303
NELUG member
Received on Wed Jul 19 2000 - 21:16:09 NZST