ES40 and networking

From: Sophia Liow <Sophia.Liow_at_cmis.CSIRO.AU>
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 10:23:29 +1000


I suspect the answer to my query is simple, however I am suffering
a slight mental block. We had an ES40 delivered with the OS loaded,
4.0f. I needed to rebuild as we had different disk partitioning
requirements. I reloaded 4.0f and when I came to configure the
networking (using nesetup), if doesnt offer me ee0 to configure,
which the networking interface, only sl0. Is the ee0 supported
in the default OS distribution or do need to load extra subset?

Any help or pointers greatly appreciated.

Thank you


(:----------------------* *------- Sophia ----------------- Liow -------:)
| +==^ , \ / CSIRO, Mathematical & Information Sciences |
| / , ! I Private Bag 10, Clayton South MDC, Clayton |
| !__ _ !_.!_ " _ I VICTORIA 3169, Australia. |
| !{_}!_}! ! % {_&. I Tel: +61 3 9545 8007 Fax: +61 3 9545 8080 |
| `==/ ! / \ email: sophia.liow_at_cmis.CSIRO.AU |
(:----------------------* *---------------------------------------------:)
                             [Syd - Tel:(02) 9325 3169 Fax:(02) 9325 3200]
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