Hi Admins,
We are planning to buy 2 systems. But I wanted to get your advices about configuration.
Now we have
Alpha 4100 with 2 CPU (466 Mhz / 4 MB) -
2 GB Mem - 100 GB HD
we have Oracle 7.2.3 OLTP system with 45 GB DB and 250 users(with dummy terminals), Our OLTP system is read oriented and modifications and insertions are done but compared to read, they are small (%30).
We consider to migrate Oracle's 3-tier architecture, say in 6-12 months (Clients - App server - DB Server).
My primary concern is HA (High Availibility ).(And not to pay more for extra maintenance)
I have 2 choices
1- to construct a SAN (Storage Area Network).
Because storage is shared. (But not accesed at the same time because of lack of lock management) I am planning to get HA by just mount/umount and restart the oracle instance (application server instance or DB server instance) on the other machine and say users to reconnect to other machine.(I think it takes max 15 minutes). This just brings manual failover and some extra time(in minutes).
Am I right in my plans. Can i construct a SAN with the above assumptions without any extra software.
2- Trucluster Available Server (I dont think production server option because of parallel serve costs of Oracle)
What I think extra in TRC is automatic failover and extra Cluster software.
I think there is no much difference in the hardware bw 2 systems.
I am asking which one is to construct as my new system in case someone there has already thought and implied such a thing and wants to share experiences.
I really need a comparison of 2 systems...
Thanks for your time...
Received on Tue Mar 07 2000 - 16:36:09 NZDT