After duplicating the HSZ and HSZ4 entries in the "/etc/ddr.dbase"
to SWX and SWXR respectively and compiling them into "/etc/ddr.db"
with "ddr_config", all my SWXRC-04 Units appeared. I guess that
after this the SWXRC-04 will now behave like the HSZ40-CX.
Thanks to Alan for leading me into the right direction.
Arnold Sutter, UDT
------------------- cut here -----------------------------------
Prior to V5 SCSI device uniqueness was defined by its
address on a parallel SCSI bus; bus number, target-id
logical unit number. In a world where parallel SCSI
was the only option this was reasonable. V5 lives in
a different world, where a single device can have multi-
ple physical addresses (multi-path support) and there
are more ways to connect SCSI devices than through a
parallel SCSI adapter (Fibre Channel).
In order to support this other "world", the driver was
changed to look for a unique ID value for each device.
Any device that was seen through multiple paths was
simply recognized as having multiple paths. On the
Fibre Channel side of things this was done using the
World Wide ID of the device. But, SCSI-2 devices don't
have WWIDs. Many do have serial numbers in the Inquiry
mode pages. Sometimes these serial number are actually
unique across devices.
However, sometimes they aren't. Many array controllers
may use a unique serial number for the controller, but
all LUNs on that controller get the same ID. I wouldn't
be surprised if the feature was optional and some devices
won't have a serial number at all.
It seems that the driver expects every well behaved SCSI
logical unit to have a unique serial number. Odds are
the LUNs on your SWXRC-04 aren't. I think new versions
of HSOF firmware were released for V5 (required to make
the system usable on V5) for all the HSZ versions of the
controller family. If the SWXRC-04 will run the appropriate
version of this firmware that might be your solution.
I've read, but never tried myself, that there is a DDR
option that will force a particular device type to use
physical addressing for its "WWID". This might be an
option as well.
Received on Thu Aug 17 2000 - 09:40:56 NZST