Configuring sendmail to support German and French special vowels in mail text bodies

From: <>
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2000 17:20:53 +0200

Hi !

I have to re-configure sendmail, because the mail system on one server does
not forward any mails with special signs, such as German a-, o-, and
u-umlauts and French accented vowels. Since this is Switzerland (Europe), we
have to deal with these vowels in mail text bodies, but not in the address
or subject lines. Now I was told to configure sendmail like so (to be
compatible with our other platforms):

- "mime compliant"
- "quoted printable"

Unfortunately, I was not asked to select any such options during
"mailsetup". Where else should I put these options in?

On the other hand, I have one /var/adm/senmdail/ file that is
working fine on another Tru64 system (a Web-Server). I think I'm not
supposed to just copy this file on a quite different system, though this is
the usual work-around.

>From what I gathered, the following lines appear to be crucial:

# strip message body to 7 bits on input?
O SevenBitInput=False

# 8-bit data handling
O EightBitMode=pass8

Is there anybody out there who can help ?

Thank you in advance.
Received on Tue Jul 04 2000 - 15:22:24 NZST

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