Using Event Management (EVM)

From: John P Speno <>
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 16:13:50 -0500

I've finally gotten around to looking at the Event Management stuff in
Tru64 UNIX 5.1 and I've got some questions about it:

Is there a way to configure EVM so that you can get some details on events
of type _at_SYS_VP_at_.evm.daemon.event_activity? I'd like to know where to look
for this high activity event! For example, is it something in syslog? What
facility? Etc? Just knowing that something is logging a lot of stuff
rapidly IS helpful, but not very...

Looking at /usr/share/evm/templates/sys/evm.evt makes me think this can't
be done, as the only two variables in the template are $count and
$period. Anyway, that would be a nice feature.

Also, since the kernel generates its own EVM messages when "interesting"
things happen, is it worth monitoring the binary errorlog anymore? Where
can we find a list of what events the kernel will generate and when? I've
seen at least once instance on a 5.0A system when events were logged via
binlogd but not directly to EVM. (I guess browsing the supplied templates
might answer my own question here. :-|).

The newest Compaq Analyze (3.1, which can no longer be downloaded from the
Compaq web sites. Bozos!) can now run standalone which is a big improvment
over previous versions, but that EVM can't use this as its binary to text
translator yet. I hope we see the ability of EVM to use the standalone CA
in either a patch kit or in the next point release of the OS. Please?

Take care.
Received on Tue Dec 05 2000 - 21:15:51 NZDT

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