SUMMARY: LVM question

From: Evans, William <>
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 19:16:03 +0000

Thanks to everyone who answered, the list is too long to include! Within
minutes help began arriving. The answers were all of about the same
run newfs.... A good response but I still needed to label the drive, which,
as it turned out, wasn't possible. Even trying to zero the drive label
didn't work; the new drive, which had never been used since installation,
was defective! The on-site Compaq guys put a new one in, I ran disklabel
to get a label on the guy, ran newfs and away we went!
  While I want to thank each and every one of you who jumped to help me out
of a tight spot, I'd especially like to thank Larry De Clay who sent me the
step-by-step procedure for adding a drive. His instructions were what
caused me to suspect the drive itself. Then a disklabel -z which returned
an I/O error clinched it and caused the Compaq gurus to be called out.
  The box is up and running with its new drive, the customer is all smiles
and all's right with the world!
Thanks again, all of you. I really appreciate your help!
Bill Evans
UNIX/NT Systems Administrator
                       ....the recognized global leader in ensuring clients
achieve superior value in the Digital economy.
Received on Mon Aug 07 2000 - 19:18:28 NZST

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