I followed a colleague's suggestion and popped out the battery for a few
minutes. After putting it back together, it came up in ARC mode. From
there, I successfully updated SRM & ARC firmware to 5.8 from floppy.
Ian Mortimer suggested this technique which sounds like it would have
worked for me too:
>made a bootable image on a floppy according to the instructions at:
> put the floppy in the drive, power cycled the box and after a few
> beeps it booted off the floppy and I was able to upgrade the firmware.
Toby Bluhm wrote:
> I think I killed a DPW 433. I tried to update it to firmware CD 5.3 and
> partway through the SRM programming, it stopped with a PAL error ( 268
> or some such ).
> Then I tried to boot CD and floppy, but it could not find the devices.
> Is there any way for me to resurrect this thing myself or can only
> Compaq fix it for me?
> Thanks
> --
> Toby Bluhm
> tkb_at_mr.marconimed.com
> 440-483-5323
Toby Bluhm
Received on Thu Aug 31 2000 - 13:00:40 NZST