Our FTP server is running on a fairly old piece of kit, a 200 4/100.
This has a built in 10Mb ethernet card, connected to a switch.
This system is seeing a large number of collisions (anywhere up to
50%) under even small loads (~300 packets/s).
We've changed:-
* The system
* The cable
* The switch port
* The switch
with no luck!
The system is running 4.0F with patch kit 2, with the Wustl FTP daemon
version 2.5.
Any help appreciated...
= Jonathan Nicholson - Team Leader : System Support "Special Projects" =
= The Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambs, CB10 1SA =
= Email: jjn_at_sanger.ac.uk -=- Tel: 01223 834244 x4987 -=- Fax: 01223 494919 =
Received on Tue Mar 14 2000 - 17:54:35 NZDT