Hi Managers,
many thanks to
Michalis Kabrianis
Niels Roetert
Steve Smith
J.James(Jim)Belonis II
Werner Rost
Dr. Thomas P. Blinn
Bryan Dunlap
The question was
> I have a DS10 with UNIX 4.0F and a RA3000 RAID system with a TLZ9L
> Autoloader (DAT).
> To save my filesets with vdump I need more then one tape.
> Because the dumps are doing in the night over a cron job, vdump cannot ask
> for a new tape.
> How can I use vdump and the autoloader without prompting for a new tape ?
> Or is it not possible?
There are some possibilties to solve this problem:
1. use MRU (Media Robot Utility) (need a license)
2. use backup products that have support for media changers; Amanda,
3. calculate which filesystems can fit on one tape
4. use expect
set timeout -1
spawn backup-script.sh
set processo $spawn_id
send_user "\n started process $processo\n"
expect {
"vdump: Press RETURN when tape is mounted..."\
{sleep 120; send "\r"; exp_continue}
eof {send_user "\n EOF found! \n"}
send_user "\n process $processo ENDED \n"
Many thanks again.
Andreas Micklich
Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Viruskrankheiten der Tiere
Institut f?r Epidemiologie
Tel: + 49 33979/80-180
Fax: + 49 33979/80-200
E-Mail: Andreas.Micklich_at_wus.bfav.de
Received on Wed Jan 03 2001 - 10:14:30 NZDT