We have a process consuming too much CPU, is in a loop. This process is
launched for other, which is children telnetd. The process owner is not
logged in, now.
But the telnetd conection exists and the status is unknown, cause TCP can't read inpcb at 0x00000000. It appers the socket is lost.
Why is this situation produced? Which does solution exist to not have this situation again?
Any idea? TYA
Here it is the information:
ps aux|more
UD02940 5021 57.8 0.0 10.1M 728K ttyr0 R + Dec 30 5-19:47:22 /aplicaciones/sacl/altas/bin/sa_al_cli_amov -u UD02940 -b CL
IENT -t 180 -d
patrol 797 46.6 0.6 17.3M 11M ?? R N Dec 17 06:38:41 PatrolAgent
root 15384 15.6 0.1 4.41M 2.6M ttyha R + 12:42:27 0:00.44 ps aux
UD00733 26484 4.9 0.1 10.1M 2.9M ttyf4 S + 12:42:21 0:00.40 /aplicaciones/sacl/altas/bin/sa_al_cli_amov -u UD00733 -b CL
IENT -t 180 -d
S_emma10:> ps -ef|grep 5021
UD02940 5021 19252 74.6 Dec 30 ttyr0 5-19:47:31 /aplicaciones/sacl/altas/bin/sa_al_cli_amov -u UD02940 -b CLIENT -t 180 -d
root 347 18787 0.1 12:42:39 ttyha 0:00.01 grep 5021
S _emma10:> ps -ef|grep 19252
UD02940 5021 19252 69.4 Dec 30 ttyr0 5-19:47:39 /aplicaciones/sacl/altas/bin/sa_al_cli_amov -u UD02940 -b CLIENT -t 180 -d
UD02940 19252 19505 0.0 Dec 30 ttyr0 0:00.09 ksh /aplicaciones/sacl/altas/scr/sh/sa_al_acceso.sh
root 17786 18787 0.1 12:42:50 ttyha 0:00.00 grep 19252
S_emma10:> ps -ef|grep 19252
S _emma10:> ps -ef|grep 19505
root 19505 618 0.0 Dec 30 ?? 0:00.02 telnetd
UD02940 19252 19505 0.0 Dec 30 ttyr0 0:00.09 ksh /aplicaciones/sacl/altas/scr/sh/sa_al_acceso.sh
root 27241 18787 0.1 12:43:02 ttyha 0:00.01 grep 19505
S _emma10:> ps -ef|grep 19505
root 19505 618 0.0 Dec 30 ?? 0:00.02 telnetd
UD02940 19252 19505 0.0 Dec 30 ttyr0 0:00.09 ksh /aplicaciones/sacl/altas/scr/sh/sa_al_acceso.sh
root 32455 18787 0.1 12:43:13 ttyha 0:00.01 grep 19505
S_emma10:> ./lsof -i|grep 19505
telnetd 19505 root 0u inet 0t0 TCP can't read inpcb at 0x00000000
telnetd 19505 root 1u inet 0t0 TCP can't read inpcb at 0x00000000
telnetd 19505 root 2u inet 0t0 TCP can't read inpcb at 0x00000000
S _emma10:> ./lsof -i|grep "TCP can't read inpcb at 0x00000000"
telnetd 19505 root 0u inet 0t0 TCP can't read inpcb at 0x00000000
telnetd 19505 root 1u inet 0t0 TCP can't read inpcb at 0x00000000
telnetd 19505 root 2u inet 0t0 TCP can't read inpcb at 0x00000000
S_emma10:> finger UD02940
Login name: UD02940 In real life: ML_D_TELYCORNE+MS_2184
Directory: /aplicaciones/users/UD02940Shell: /aplicaciones/sacl/altas/scr/sh/sa_al_acceso.sh
On since Dec 30 13:10:22
on ttyr0 from net_guipu1.tm.es
No Plan.
MĒ Jesus
Received on Fri Jan 05 2001 - 12:50:50 NZDT