Aurtomounting between Tru64 and Linux

From: Hugh M. Conner <>
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2001 14:28:06 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)

We have a wide range of systems in our dept. and share filesystems among them
all. We are experiencing some problems with NFS mounting under certain
circumstances. In particular where we have a Linux NFS server and try to access
it from a Tru64 machine via the automounter. (We are running quite an old
release by the way - 4.0B). Manual mounting works fine

        odin# mount amaterasu:/home/staff /mnt
        ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^
        Tru 64 machine Linux machine

Also mounting via the autmounter works in certain areas

        odin# cd /u1/staff/fred

Here there is a YP map auto.u1_staff where "fred" is mapped to

However the one that fails is

        odin# cd /net/amaterasu/home/staff
        ksh: /net/amaterasu/home/staff: not found

where the automounter uses the hosts NIS map. We can use this to access other
types of NFS servers ok, eg. /net/osiris/home/pg works where osiris is another

We have found other versions of Unix with the same problem - e.g. SunOs 4 and
Ultrix (yes we still have some of these). On the other hand HP, SGI and SunOs 5
machines work fine with Linux. Has anyone else come across this and knows what
is causing the problem.
Hugh M. Conner
Computing & Electrical Eng.
Heriot-Watt University
"Life is a lemon, and I want my money back"
Received on Fri Feb 02 2001 - 14:25:34 NZDT

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