I had asked for help in getting a CDE login not to hang. The log file has entries like
> Feb 2, 09:56:31 zantar ttsession[25993]: Cannot register service: RPC: Timed out
I received replies from Ram Rao, Dr. Thomas Blinn and Marie-Claude Vialatte.
They all agreed that CDE problems like this all suggest a network misconfiguration. The only network changes I could think of was our DNS server (on the same subnet) was changed -- same IP address, different MAC address. The arp entries were right and DNS worked.
I rebooted this morning and CDE works.
I used to have a mantra: "If it once worked and it is not working now and it's a PC, then reboot". Do I have to add CDE to this rule?
Received on Mon Feb 05 2001 - 18:14:35 NZDT