SUMMARY: A 'how to harden your Tru64'

From: Danny Petterson <>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 16:22:41 +0100

Well, here is my summary for the 'harden...' question:

First,this from Allan Davis:

Actually, I've gotten the beginnings of an effort to port one of the
"hardening" products, either YASSP or Titan,
to Tru64 and develop a general Security FAQ.

There is a mailing list and ftp site for code storage that has been provided
by Ken Farmer at and we have the support and blessing of Compaq's
Internet Security Group.

I'm hoping to activate the efforts in the next few days. Would you like to
volunteer to help?

Alan Davis

If anybody wants to give him a hand, let me know, and I'll forward the email
to him. The reason being, that I dont want to make his email-adress public
without his confirmation. Hope thats OK.

Other suggestions:
- Use these as templates for further investigation:
- Go to, and go to "Whats New". Here youll find three
presentations Rich did on CETS about the subject. Usefull stuff, actually!
- Go to for Tru64 security-links
- Use tcp-wrappers
- Remove everything unimportant from /sbin/rc3.d and /etc/inetd.conf
- Using C2 (Enhanced Security) and Shadowpasswords
- Take a look at Best Practices (but there really is'nt anything
interessting here)

Thanx a lot to James Sainsbury, Aleksey Tsalolikin, Anders Trier Rasmussen,
Jim Smart, Cy Dewhurst, Carsten Udesen, William Bochnik, Larry Clegg, Alan
Davis, Joan Rigss, Rich and bac

Med venlig hilsen/Kind Regards
Danny Petterson Driftbolaget A/S.
TLF: +45 21716422
        "An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes
         which can be made in a very narrow field"
                                                Niels Bohr
Received on Wed Feb 14 2001 - 15:24:47 NZDT

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