Question on Wildfire GS160 consoles

From: Paul LaMadeleine <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 10:52:36 -0500


        We have two GS160 Wildfire nodes in a True64 V5.1 / TrueCluster V5.0 (?)
cluster. The GS160's came with NT systems for the consoles. they telnet
to a Terminal Server in the GS160 cabinet and the serial consoles then
connect into the terminal server. You then need to PCAnywhere to the NT
box to get to the consoles. Has anyone done anything else? Every time I
approach Compaq about this (phone support, on site service people, the
consultant to helped set up the box, sales reps, etc.), I am always told
not to. Anyone know why?

        We have some Lightwave Console Server 3200s that we use for console
connecting our servers to and I would like to use this for the
GS160s. Does anyone see a problem with this?

        The bottom line - Is there a reason for the NT system to be in the console


Received on Mon Feb 19 2001 - 15:54:22 NZDT

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