I'm conducting a survey of collect users. If you are interested in
helping to convince Compaq to better support collect, please respond!
I'm interested in:
+ your company name
+ what you are doing with collect
+ how many systems collect runs on
+ what kind of systems collect is running on (DSxx, ESxx, GSxx[x])
+ what do you think of the quasi open-source policy that used to be
applied to the collect sources? Did you ever hack collect? Add your
own subsystem? Fix a bug?
A short message, one line per bullet will suffice.
If there is interest, I will publish the results of my survey here.
If you don't want your response to be published here (that is, it should
not be used except in communications with Compaq), please mention that. I
guarantee that such responses will be treated as directed.
thanks in advance,
Rob Urban
Received on Mon Feb 26 2001 - 14:24:35 NZDT