Problems adding 2.member to a TruCluster 5.1

From: Jörg Leinhoß <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 09:59:14 +0100


I have problems adding a 2. member to TruCluster 5.1. The problems starts while booting the 2. member. The 2. member sleeps after
adding the swapspace and "Sucessfully claimed quorum, adding 1 vote". clu_get_info shows the 2. member. clu_quorum on the 1. note
hangs while the 2. member hangs.
If I shutdown the 1. member and boot the second member again, it hangs after:
"cfs_perform_glroot_mount: cfs_mountroot_local failed to mount the cluster root fs with errot = 6"

I leave the quorum configuration in clu_create/clu_add_member at defaults (all 1).
All shared disks can accessed from the 2. maschine if tru64 booted.

The environment is the following:
Tru64 5.1/TruCluster 5.1 without patches (yet)
2xDS20E/1GB, 2xHSZ80, 2xKZPBA-CB with y-cable/termination
MC2, 512MB/8KB, Virtual HUP Mode,
Cluster root/usr/var: 0.4G, 1.5G, 1G, member boot disks 2x3GB, all in RAID5 Sets

Please help!


Joerg Leinhoss
AED Graphics AG, Germany
Received on Tue Feb 27 2001 - 09:13:49 NZDT

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