tkanks to Staab Brian and Alex Harkema for their help,
the original question was:
| Hi Managers,
| I have a DS20E with tree disks disk0, disk1 and disk2.
| i installed DU 5.1 on disk0 with LSM and ADVFS as follow:
|disk0a /
|disk0b swap
|disk0d /var
|disk0e /usr/local
|disk0g /usr
|diks0h for LSM (lsm data) it is a 128M partition
|then a mirrored the disk0 on the disk1 with volrootmir -a disk1
|and i want to configure the last disk as a hotspare. how can i make this:
|1/ i add the disk2 as a single lsm disk (priv region + pub region) and when
|one of disk0 or disk1 hug ####!!!!! DOES !!!!#### lsm create subdisks (5) to
|replace those who are off?
|2/ i partion disk2 to match the partions in disk0 and disk1, and i add as
|lsm disk as partion (disk2a,disk2b,...).
* If you want to enable hot sparing you need to do so with the 'volwatch'
command. When your system starts up so does volwatch with the default
settings (probably). You need to use the '-s' parameter (see man page).
Prior to this, you must add the disk to LSM using the adddisk tools. This
command will ask you if you want to enable this disk for hot sparing. Once
that is done, restart 'volwatch -s'.
Brian Staab
1/you must add the disk to the roodg (the disk group) as a spare disk:
For clarification: The command you need to use to add the disk to LSM is -
'voldiskadd' - see the man page. It will prompt you with the following: "Add
disk as a spare disk for newdg? [y,n,q,?] (default: n)" Respond 'y' .
Note: 'newdg' above will be replaced with your disk group name.
2/lanche volwatch with -s
rcmgr -c set LSMSTART mailplus
/sbin/init.d/lsm stop
/sbin/init.d/lsm start
Received on Tue Feb 27 2001 - 13:16:39 NZDT