Thanks to all who gave suggestions, especially
As a summary - I had a disk crash that had the os on it. I had a spare
disk that had been the os disk from another machine. I reinstalled the
os (version 5.0) on that disk and wiped out the rest. After the
installation my nic cards were now tu1 and tu2. I needed one to be tu0
as a commercial package I run assumes that is your first nic card.
I could not configure tu0 or change tu1 or tu2 to tu0 to save my life.
Lots of things were tried, especially the rcmgr and hwmgr commands, lots
of recompiling the kernel, etc. No luck. Desperate - I moved my two
nic cards along one slot position on the motherboard. After that little
experiment, I now had nic cards tu2 and tu3!
The only explaination I can come up with is that some old database
(somewhere?) was being preserved from the original os installation. I
could not overwrite the tu0 and tu1 definitions, I could only add to the
data base. Does anybody have a better (or more precise)
Finally I zeroed out the disk label "disklabel -z dsk0" and reinstalled
the os. This time everything worked as I had initially expected and I
had tu0 and tu1. (And to think - it only took me 17 hours to figure
this one out!)
Thanks for all of your suggestions.
Received on Tue Mar 06 2001 - 03:57:24 NZDT