Last weekend I had what I think was a disk crash on my 264dp with 5.0
operating system. The hard disk was an 18gb Seagate with the os, /usr
and two /data partitions. After finding this managers list, I now
realize I should have payed more attention to the ouput on the "blue
screen", but all I remember is something like "failed to write to -1".
Now whenever I try to boot from the srm prompt I get:
dka0. is not ready
file open failed for dka0.
What does this mean? Is it possible to make the disk ready somehow? Is
the disk broken? Is all the data on that disk lost?
I have replaced the os disk with a spare disk and gotten the machine
working again.
Can I put that (broken?) disk in the machine and try to mount the data
partions one by one?
Should I boot from the installation cd and try to mount the data
partions one by one?
Is there any hope?
Received on Tue Mar 06 2001 - 04:50:11 NZDT