C2 Security -- implementing root password of 8 to 80 characters u nder DU V 5.0

From: <Urs.Gasser_at_BIT.admin.ch>
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 11:01:36 +0100

Hi everybody !

I am trying to implement a root password of 8 to 80 characters under DU V
(user-chosen passwords).

I have used the graphical tool "/usr/bin/X11/dxaccounts" to
set the password restrictions to 4 to 8 characters and that's the most I can

If I set the "Maximum Chosen Length" of the root password to 80 characters
(in the GUI),
this is just ignored by the "passwd" command on the command line.
Something simply overrides the new settings. How can this be changed?

Changing the "/etc/auth/system/default" manually doesn't help either.


And I'd also like to know how I can switch off the awkward options prompt
for "passwd" that
I've inadvertently switched on (how did I switch it on in the first place

# passwd root
Last successful password change for root: Mon Mar 5 17:44:02 MET 2001
Last unsuccessful password change for root: Tue Mar 6 09:09:28 MET 2001

Do you want (choose one option only):

   1 Pronounceable passwords generated for you
   2 A string of characters generated for you
   3 A string of letters generated for you
   4 To pick your password

Select ONE item by number:


Third question:
How can the shadowed passwords be efficiently managed on the command line
(e.g. with scripts),
without the GUI ?

Which files are involved in connection with password settings and
under C2 Security and DU V 5.x ?

Thank you very much for helping.



Urs Gasser
Betriebszentrum Bereitstellung UNIX BZBX
Bundesamt fuer Informatik und Telekommunikation BIT
Post         Monbijoustrasse 74, CH-3003 Bern
Telefon      +41-31-322 26 39
Telefax      +41-31-325 90 30
Internet     urs.gasser_at_bit.admin.ch
X.400        G=urs; S=gasser; O=bit; A=admin; C=ch
Received on Tue Mar 06 2001 - 10:04:46 NZDT

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