Hi all,
we are trying to install third party application software
(LS_DYNA) which claims to be compiled on standard Tru64 Unix V4.0E and
above with some additional libraries (HPF, ...). As far as I know, we ARE
running 'standard' Tru64 V4.0E installation with all mentioned libraries.
Anyway, the application requires shared library 'libm_c32.so',
unfortunately not presented on our system :-((
Does someone ever seen library mentioned above??
Thank you very much in advance for any suggestion!
Best regards,
Lubos Kejzlar
System and Network Specialist
Laboratory for Computer Science Tel.: ++420-19-7491536
University of West Bohemia ++420-19-7421414
Univerzitni 8, 30614 Pilsen Fax: ++420-19-7421419
Czech Republic E-mail: kejzlar_at_civ.zcu.cz
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