SUMMARY: How to substitute with sed

From: Rost, Werner <>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 17:24:28 +0100

Hello all,

this list is great!!! Thanks to all who answered - there were many (!!)
answers in a short time.

Solution: echo "$text" instead of echo $text

Another short demo:

Switch1> x='A B'
Switch1> echo $x
Switch1> echo "$x"


Werner Rost


Hello gurus,

I guess this is a trivial question for all of you - except me .:)

In a test string I want to substitute the character "x" by blanks:

text="P1A2 127558xxxxxxMMJJ1x750xxxxxxxxxx000x 024"
echo $text
text=`echo $text | /usr/bin/sed 's/x/ /g'`
echo $text

This leads to:

P1A2 127558xxxxxxMMJJ1x750xxxxxxxxxx000x 024
P1A2 127558 MMJJ1 750 000 024

Unfortunatly I miss many blanks. Output should read:

P1A2 127558xxxxxxMMJJ1x750xxxxxxxxxx000x 024
P1A2 127558 MMJJ1 750 000 024

What is going wrong?

Werner Rost
Werner Rost, Mannesmann-Boge GmbH
Abt: KIR
Tel: 0228/3825-420
Fax: 0228/3825-398
Friesdorfer Str. 175, 53175 Bonn - Bad Godesberg

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