Oracle8i V8.1.7 installation on Tru64 UNIX V5.1 problems: NETCA & DBCA class not found errors

From: Audrius Sadlauskas <>
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 15:20:57 +0200

Hi Managers,

First time installing Oracle and faced with configuration tools problems.
Both of tools Net Configuration Assistant and Database Creation Assistion
(DBCA) exits at the initialization with following errors:
Net Configuration Assistant (netca) issues
"Class not found:" error
and Database Creation Assistion (dbassist) issues
"Class not found: DBCreateWizard" error.

The same errors appears then Oracle installation tool (runInstaller) tries
to run these tools.

It seems like these tools unables to find Java classes. I checked CLASSPATH
what shell scripts netca and dbassist sets up and
the required exists there (points to appropriate .jar files). I checked
also the appropriate .jar files (e.g. netca.jar ) with "jar tf netca.jar"
and required class exists.

Does anyone have an idea what is the problem with these tools and how to
resolve it?

Thank you in advance for any response.

Best regards,

Audrius Sadlauskas
UNIX system administrator
Laisves pr. 117a
LT-2600 Vilnius
Phone: +370 2 304 638
Fax: +370 2 304 639
Received on Mon Apr 09 2001 - 13:22:59 NZST

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