Hi All,
ES40, 4 cpu, Tru64 V5.0A, pk1
After a forced crash to escape from a system hang
(which turned out to be due to a mail problem
with the Postmaster account, resulting in a message
to Postmaster, which then failed resulting in a
message to Postmaster etc etc), the machine
has started up with /usr/opt/compaq/svctools/bin/desta_exec
using 99% cpu. I've tried restarting it with
'/sbin/init.d/desta stop' then '/sbin/init.d/desta start'
The process then starts OK, with 0% cpu, but after about 10 mins
the cpu use again goes to 99%. No log files are growing abnormally,
so what is this thing up to? Any ideas before I resort to a reboot?
Entry in /usr/opt/compaq/svctools/logs/desta_dir.log after stop/start
WARNING on April 12, 2001 4:38:49 PM GMT (5491.413 sec elapsed)
DUReader Stopping
Current Thread[Thread-17: com.compaq.svctools.ca.services.eventreaders.DUReader ,5,main]
WARNING on April 12, 2001 4:39:10 PM GMT (5512.694 sec elapsed)
System did not shut down cleanly. Extra threads stopped:
Thread[Thread-21: HttpServer.HttpListener CAWebService port listener,5,main]
Thread[Thread-22: com.compaq.svctools.ca.services.decomposers.EvtDecomposer ,5,main]
Thread[Thread-30: com.compaq.svctools.ca.services.analysis.EvtAnalyzer ,5,main]
Threads left after stop:
Thread[main,5,main] (current thread)
Thread[Thread-30: com.compaq.svctools.ca.services.analysis.EvtAnalyzer ,5,main]
Current Thread[main,5,main]
_________________________ desta start issued Thu Apr 12 17:39:56 BST 2001.
Creating Java VM
Web-based Enterprise Service Common Components V3.1 (Build 12), member of WEB-based Enterprise Service Suite V3.1 (Build 12)
Compaq Analyze V3.1 (Build 12)
The Director process has started successfully.
Received on Thu Apr 12 2001 - 17:01:59 NZST