Powerstorm 4DT50 Refresh Rate

From: Tobias Ernst <tobi_at_physcip.uni-stuttgart.de>
Date: Wed, 09 May 2001 22:53:58 +0200


Is there any way of getting a Powerstrom 4DT50 graphics card to display with
more than 75 Hz vertical refresh rate on Tru64 5.0?

The Xdec server accepts the following parameters:
-vsync 75
-vsync 90
-vsync 100
-vsync 120
and also displays on stdout that it is starting with a refresh rate of 75,
90, 100 or 120 Hz, depending on which of the above arguments I chosse.
However, the actual image is still only drawn with 75 Hz refresh rate, which
is just not enough for me.

Maybe I have to set some switches in SRM or in the Kernel to enable higher
refresh rates? Or does this board just not support more than 75 Hz?

Kind regards,
Tobias Ernst
Received on Wed May 09 2001 - 20:55:29 NZST

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