The tape drive is a 40Gbyte DLT.
The filesystem is an nfs mounted 55Gbyte UFS HSZ80 raid 5 partition.
I have a 55Gbyte UFS partition which I cannot restore. I had this problem
occur in the past and I increased the process memory limit kernel parameters
to 4Gbyte and I was able to continue but now the file system is is getting
about 1/4 full with lots of directories and lots of small files (these are
user IMAP mail directories) and I can no longer do a restore. I typically
use the much maligned C-shell like this:
# unlimit
# /sbin/restore -if /dev/tape
I then get this message in a very few seconds:
Cannot malloc space for property list, errno 22
It seems like a virtual memory quota problem but I can't seem to make the
quotas big enough the the greedy little fellow. Are there any suggestions?
Richard Loken VE6BSV, Systems Programmer - VMS : "...underneath those
Athabasca University : tuques we wear, our heads
Athabasca, Alberta Canada : are naked!"
** ** : - Arthur Black
Received on Fri May 18 2001 - 18:08:29 NZST