-- 4: /dev/kevm 27: /dev/disk/floppy0c 3.5in floppy fdi0-unit-0 28: /dev/disk/dsk0c DEC RZ29L-AA (C) DEC bus-0-targ-0-lun-0 29: /dev/disk/cdrom0c DEC RRD44 (C) DEC bus-0-targ-4-lun-0 30: /dev/ntape/tape0 DEC TLZ07 (C)DEC bus-0-targ-2-lun-0 To delete the tape I would write : hwmgr -delete component -id 30 I just deleted it : # hwmgr -view devices HWID: Device Name Mfg Model Location ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 4: /dev/kevm 27: /dev/disk/floppy0c 3.5in floppy fdi0-unit-0 28: /dev/disk/dsk0c DEC RZ29L-AA (C) DEC bus-0-targ-0-lun-0 29: /dev/disk/cdrom0c DEC RRD44 (C) DEC bus-0-targ-4-lun-0 ...and after a reboot : # hwmgr -view devices HWID: Device Name Mfg Model Location ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 4: /dev/kevm 27: /dev/disk/floppy0c 3.5in floppy fdi0-unit-0 28: /dev/disk/dsk0c DEC RZ29L-AA (C) DEC bus-0-targ-0-lun-0 29: /dev/disk/cdrom0c DEC RRD44 (C) DEC bus-0-targ-4-lun-0 37: /dev/ntape/tape1 DEC TLZ07 (C)DEC bus-0-targ-2-lun-0 It gets 37 because hwmgr automagically does n+1 to the device database, and the other numbers (31-36) are taken because I've previously had other disks connected. I suppose this is where you are now, right ? Now we rename to tape0 : # dsfmgr -m tape1 tape0 tape1=>tape0 tape1_d0=>tape0_d0 tape1_d1=>tape0_d1 tape1_d2=>tape0_d2 tape1_d3=>tape0_d3 tape1_d4=>tape0_d4 tape1_d5=>tape0_d5 tape1_d6=>tape0_d6 tape1_d7=>tape0_d7 tape1c=>tape0c tape1=>tape0 tape1_d0=>tape0_d0 tape1_d1=>tape0_d1 tape1_d2=>tape0_d2 tape1_d3=>tape0_d3 tape1_d4=>tape0_d4 tape1_d5=>tape0_d5 tape1_d6=>tape0_d6 tape1_d7=>tape0_d7 tape1c=>tape0c # hwmgr -view dev HWID: Device Name Mfg Model Location ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 4: /dev/kevm 27: /dev/disk/floppy0c 3.5in floppy fdi0-unit-0 28: /dev/disk/dsk0c DEC RZ29L-AA (C) DEC bus-0-targ-0-lun-0 29: /dev/disk/cdrom0c DEC RRD44 (C) DEC bus-0-targ-4-lun-0 37: /dev/ntape/tape0 DEC TLZ07 (C)DEC bus-0-targ-2-lun-0 Thanks, DanielReceived on Fri Jun 08 2001 - 07:37:14 NZST
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