I'm having some problems setting up restricted access via NFS, i.e.
restricted to a particular gid. The NFS server is running on Digital UNIX
4.0f. I haven't yet been able to find anything which will indicate what
gid/uid the server believes the client is using. Anybody know if how to
display, on the server, the gid/uid being used by the remote NFS client?
Name: John B. Macallister E-mail: j.macallister1_at_physics.ox.ac.uk
Post: Nuclear and Astrophysics Laboratory, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH,UK
Phone: +44-1865-273388 (direct) 273333 (reception) 273418 (Fax)
Received on Tue Jun 19 2001 - 08:44:03 NZST