SUMMARY: Changing Swap Disk

From: Andre Thompson <AThompson_at_ADMIN.UWI.TT>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 17:05:17 -0400

Thanks to Larry Clegg and John J. Francini. I have two options which really
is going to do the same thing.

Option 1 (Larry): This one is used for a 24x7 machine where reboot is the
LAST option

# swapon /dev/disk/dsk1c (the c partition is the entire disk)

This will make the swap space available immediately without a reboot.

Next add the swap info to your /etc/sysconfigtab file. In the 'vm' section
you'll find you existing swap info, e.g.


either replace the current disk info or add the new, e.g.


Option 2 (John): The reboot method
If it's a V4.0x system, you need to change the swap line in /etc/fstab.
You should also change the PAGEFILE and PARTITION environment
variable entries in /etc/rc.config. Also, if you're using "eager
swap", change the soft-link file /etc/swapdefault to point to the new
swap partition.

If it's a V5.x system, you need to edit the swap line in
/etc/sysconfigtab (near the very bottom).

Then you can reboot to use the new swap space.
-----Original Message-----
From: Andre Thompson [mailto:AThompson_at_ADMIN.UWI.TT]
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 12:49 PM
To: Unix Managers (E-mail)
Subject: Changing Swap Disk

Hi Managers
        I am running Tru 64 v5.1. I want to change the swap space to another
disk. I am thinking of using the GUI Disk configuration manager to do the
job, then to restart the machine.

Any concerns?

Best Regards
Andre Thompson
Received on Wed Jun 20 2001 - 21:08:32 NZST

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