Cluster <--> RAID configuration?

From: Udo Grabowski <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 10:09:22 +0200

Hello managers !

We have to install an 8 ES40 TruCluster 5.1 with an attached EMA 12000
(FibreChannel). All Tru64 partitions on all three controllers should be
visible and accessible to all servers via one common cluster filesystem
(so we have automatic synchronisation of all filesystem caches).

An additional quirk is that on one of the 3 controllers 3 Suns have to
have their own partitions. According to specs, this limits the access to
that controller to max. 8 servers total. But we need access to some
(Tru64) partitions on that controller from all 8 ES40, making up to
a sum of 11 accessing servers.

My plans are now:
2 controllers are Tru64-only, so any of the 8 ES40 can access
any partition there on (direct access, multibus failover) ==> no problem.
The third controller has additional Solaris partitions, and access is
granted to 3 Sun Servers via one FibreChannel switch (zoned). The same switch
enables access of two of the ES40 to those Tru64 partitions which
should be exported into the cluster filesystem. Those ES40 are then
configured as servers for those partitions in the cluster filesystem.

Is this configuration possible ? How must we configure those two special
servers ?
Thanks for any help !
Dr. Udo Grabowski                           email:
Institut f. Meteorologie und Klimaforschung II, Forschungszentrum Karslruhe
Postfach 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany           Tel: (+49) 7247 82-6026           Fax:         "    -6141
Received on Tue Jul 10 2001 - 08:10:55 NZST

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