To an earlier message of mine:
On our 2-node DS20 Cluster running Tru64 Unix & Cluster v5.1, we have created an auto-shutdown script for Oracle (Oracle Parallel Server v8.1.7) that runs well independently. However, when we put it in "/sbin/rc0.d", it does not execute even if we use the "-s" parameter for shutdown (i.e. 'shutdown -h -s now"). The file "K02oracle" in /sbin/rc0.d" has "-rwxr-x---" with root as owner and system as group.
However, it does execute if we shutdown to a single-user mode and then use "shutdown -h now". As this is an indirect way of shutting down, I would request any feedback on your experience in this regard in a TruCluster 5.1 environment. Thanks.
I was advised to try putting this K02oracle file in "/sbin/rc3.d" instead of rc0.d. I have tried this but it still does not work! Any ideas?
Harihar K
Received on Tue Jul 10 2001 - 10:48:30 NZST