CAA action scripts on TruCluster 5.1

From: Dewhurst, Cy <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 13:49:55 +0100


Some virus gateways appear to have picked up the .scr file I sent as an
attachment to be a virus, it's not even executable on a windows platform (as
you can see from below) and is harmless. My original message follows (if
anybody is brave enough to read it of course!) My fault... I should have
renamed it.

Hello all

I'm having a few issues with a caa start script on our cluster. If you run
the script alone, it starts the application (oninit - Informix) fine and
returns the necessary error codes etc.

However, if you trigger the script using:

caa_start informix_live

or do the same from the sysman gui, caa tells you it's started correctly and
is online on it's favored member - yet, it's not. The check subsequently
takes the application offline.

It appears that the oninit process get's terminated by the caa stuff (or
terminates itself) , as the informix log indicates it only gets through the
first few steps of it's initialisation.

I thought this might be down to not being attached to a terminal or
something so I rewrote the script to use expect and I still get the same
behaviour. Again, the script is fine if you run it from the command line.

I've tried unregistering, deleting the profile, creating the profile and
re-registering. Still the same...

Any ideas are greatly appreciated

Scripts follow...

informix_live.scr ----->

#!/usr/bin/ksh -p
# This action script starts and stops informix live

export PATH

case $1 in
'start') # Start up Informix OnLine instance (live)

        echo "Starting Informix Online... Live"
        . /home/local/CaMIS/live/etc/heprofile
        expect -f /var/cluster/caa/script/oninit.expect
        exit 0

'stop') # Shutdown OnLine instance (live)

        echo "Stopping Informix Online... Live"
        . /home/local/CaMIS/live/etc/heprofile
        expect -f /var/cluster/caa/script/onmode.expect
        sleep 2
        exit 0
'check') # Check OnLine instance (live)

        echo "Checking Informix Online... Live"
        . /home/local/CaMIS/live/etc/heprofile
        # Can we see an informix server?
        onstat - 2>&1 > /dev/null
        case $ONSTATERRORCODE in
        -1) # Offline
            echo "Informix is offline, cannot continue"
            exit 1
        0) # Initialisation
            echo "Server is still initialising, cannot continue"
            exit 0
        2) # Recovery
            echo "Server is in recovery mode, cannot continue"
            exit 0
        3) # Backup
            echo "Backup is already taking place, cannot continue"
            exit 0
        4) # Shutdown
            echo "Server is shutting down, cannot continue"
            exit 1
        5) # Online
            exit 0
        6) # Abort
            echo "Server is aborting, cannot continue"
            exit 1
        255) # SHM not initialised
            echo "Server is not initialised"
            exit 1

oninit.expect ----->

#!/usr/local/bin/expect -f -d

if {[fork]!=0} exit
system oninit

onmode.expect ----->

#!/usr/local/bin/expect -f -d

if {[fork]!=0} exit
system onmode -yuck

Cy Michael Dewhurst
Computer Systems Manager
Royal Bournemouth & Christchurch Hospitals NHS Trust
Education Centre
Castle Lane East

Tel: +44 (0) 1202 704487
Fax: +44 (0) 1202 704108
Received on Fri Jul 20 2001 - 12:50:58 NZST

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