It turns out that the controller had a hardware problem. Compaq replaced the
controller and now I am working again with version 8.5.
I will not do the upgrade untill my local Compaq tested the upgrade on their
test system.
Peter Jakobs
I am in the middle of upgrading my HSG80's HW E12(2A) to version 8.6. But I am
having BIG problems.
I insert the new firmaware in the second controller and let him startup.
he comes with the message:
>> Unable to clear SWAP signal on device port 2 - all SWAP interrupts disabled
>> Controllers misconfigured
The show this_controller gives my the messages:
>> Set multibus_failover copy = required
If I do this (first of course the set nomultibusfailover) I get the same error
messages again.
>From the controller with the old version (8.5) i see the controller with the
software, i only get wrong values for the mirrored cache and the battery.
>From the controller with the new software I don't see the other controller.
After this I tried to go back to the old version. Unfortunattely if I try to
boot it I get the message:
>>NVPM structure revision greater than images
>>NVPM revision: 80. Image revision: 70
I also tried to run the DWNGRD program from the version 8.6 but he says that I
have to remove all my units before he can downgrade. This is not possible
because the system is in production.
Anybody has any idea how to resolve this?
Peter Jakobs
Received on Mon Jul 23 2001 - 06:03:09 NZST