SUMMARY:sms - problems

From: Udo Grabowski <>
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 10:35:58 +0200

Hello !

Only one answer from Tom Swigg regarding the network problem:

> I've seen Network alerts in sms when there are no network problems and traced
> it down to /etc/rc.config or /etc/sysconfigtab
> having an IP address (eg 10..0.0.3) instead of a hostname for the
> memorychannel hostname. In other words you see
> twice. Everything else is fine.
> I think it was either cluster_node_inter_name in /etc/sysconfigtab
> that was an IP address or else it was CLUSTER_NET in /etc/rc.config.

Unfortunately, everything here is also fine ... the sensitive entries
are hostnames, only IFCONFIG_0 and tnc_node_info have IP numbers.
So still no clue what's irritating smsd.
No answers to the two other questions.

Thanks, Tom, for your help !
> -----Original Message-----
> We have pertinent problems with sms:
> 1. sms shows network alerts. This is mentioned in the release notes,
> but the recipe given there to just clean the event log doesn't
> work. We always must restart smsd. As this happens several times
> a day, it's annoying (we experience no real network problems at all).
> Any information available what's wrong here ?
> 2. Our cluster consists of 5 ES40 Model 2 EV6 and 2 ES40 Model 1 EV67.
> sms does not show the mchan Memory Channel adapters in the 2 newer
> machines in the hardware view (although they work perfectly). Is
> this a configuration error on the two machines ?
> 3. The hardware view of our (a bit larger) cluster is garbled (see
> attached gif picture). Is this common to this release or does it
> depend on the java version used (seems it's the old 1.1.8) ?
> ---------------------------
Dr. Udo Grabowski                           email:
Institut f. Meteorologie und Klimaforschung II, Forschungszentrum Karslruhe
Postfach 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany           Tel: (+49) 7247 82-6026           Fax:         "    -6141
Received on Wed Aug 01 2001 - 08:37:27 NZST

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