Less than 10 minutes, about what I expected! I guess that I should have
read the man page a little more carefully and/or paid attention to how I
made the achive in the first place.
gunzip -c rootdump.gz | restore -f - -t ./pingsript
Just what I needed, the part I missed was the -f - to get input form stdin,
same thing I did to make the archive.
Thanks to John Venier and Mandaell Degerness who were the quickest on the
draw, and to everyone who probably have there pointers poised over the send
Orignial post below.
Trevor Osatchuk
-----Original Message-----
From: tru64-unix-managers-owner_at_ornl.gov
[mailto:tru64-unix-managers-owner_at_ornl.gov]On Behalf Of Trevor Osatchuk
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 10:37 AM
To: Tru64-Unix-Managers (E-mail)
Subject: restoring a gzipped dump file
I am sure that this will be an easy one. I have a 4.0d system that I have
made some dumps to disk by piping through gzip, like so:
/> dump -2u -f - / | gzip > /mnt/rootdump.gz
The /mnt is a 4.0f system mount via nfs, both using ufs. Is there a way to
restore from this file without gunzipping it first? I tried this using a
file I called pingscript:
gunzip -c rootdump.gz | restore -t pingscript
It just hung there. I am not sure that restore saw the input from the
gunzip command. Am I on the verge here or way off base?
Trevor Osatchuk
Process Solutions Canada Ltd.
Support and Integration Analyst
(780) 452-2227 Ext. 286
Received on Wed Aug 01 2001 - 17:01:18 NZST