We just had a lovely presentation about how Network Appliances will solve
all our storage needs. It all sounded very nice, but then that's the way it
is designed to sound. Does anyone out there have any experience with
Network Appliances? Our environment consists of multiple Alphas running
Tru64 in flavors from V4.0D to G. These servers are primarily Oracle
database servers and some of the servers run multiple Oracle data bases. We
have a mix of Oracle flavors from 7.3.3 to 8.01. We are not currently on
gigabit networking, but could be in fairly short order.
Any help or information would be greatly appreciated.
Jef H. HamLin
Bangor Hydro Electric
Bangor, Maine
Received on Mon Aug 06 2001 - 16:40:23 NZST