Summary: changing the system name

From: Kirkland, Mike # IHTUL <>
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 16:31:56 -0500

Thanks to John Venier, Chris Bryant, Jonathan Williams, Alan Davis and Debra

The original questions were:

I have a new DS10 that I want the change to system name for ollie2 to ollie.
Where is the system name file kept in tru64.

If I want to rerun the initalization program for a new install from the
factory, how would I do that?

Here are the answers that I received. They were all similar in nature so I
will post the ones with the most detail.

I'm fairly certain that there are 4 things that must be changed.

1. /etc/hosts file--change the name in here
2. /etc/rc.config--change the HOSTNAME entry
3. /usr/sys/conf--there is a file with the hostname (ie OLLIE2)--rename
4. inside the file from step 3--the first line contains the hostname;
this line.

That should be everything. We are running Tru6 5.1--so it may be a little
different on earlier versions. good luck...

The hostname is kept in a couple of places, the master is /etc/rc.config.
The /etc/hosts file and the name of the kernel config file in /sys/conf are
other places to change it. If you are running a DNS server it should also be
changed there and/or any other system's hosts files.

You can use sysman to change the systems hostname and it should update all
the places that are necessary (the kernel config filename is optional).

The FIS (factory install) is wiped out when the system is installed from it,
there's no way to go back to it. The reinstall process requires the OS
Distribution CD and either the latest patch CD or a download of the latest
patch kit.

Mike Kirkland
Received on Wed Aug 08 2001 - 21:39:32 NZST

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