[Fwd: HSZ80 with TRU64]

From: Mustapha EDDOUIK <m.eddouik_at_ib-maroc.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 14:55:50 +0000

attached mail follows:

Sir :
I have a TRU64 4.0F cluster using ESA12000 with HSZ80 . The most of
disks are configured as units and are working fine . And there are other
disks that was not configured . Then when i creat new units i can't see
them even if there are correctly configured on the HSZ80 .I had done :
# scu scan edt all
# scu show edt
But i can't see the new units .
With the Best
Received on Wed Aug 15 2001 - 14:55:00 NZST

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