The consensus seems to be hold it....still good things
happening to Tru64...including support.
The reason I posted this was that I requested funding
for new controllers' firmware, and but I was asked of
what would happen to Tru64 (from merger), and if they
should be still investing in it instead of jumping the
bandwagon early before it actually stops (which
doesn't seem to be so near from people's views)
One thing I haven't resolved is whether my KZPSC
controllers will work with Tru64 V5.1....since the
release Notes shows that it is retired.
Thanks much for all the responses I received, few deep
ones are below:
To the best of my knowledge, there is nothing in your
systemst that does not work with V5.1; there is a
between "works" and "is supported".
Being that as it may, Alpha systems are available,
they run
Tru64 UNIX quite well, and there are newer faster
better and
cheaper systems on the horizon. Nothing is forever,
the World Trade Center. Those of us in Tru64 UNIX
are being trained on the new Intel architecture as I
this (I'm in the training). The systems 5 years out
HP or Compaq or the merged companies will be even
better than
what you can buy today from anyone.
If what you have isn't broken, don't fix it. If you
need to be on the bleeding edge, move to Linux.
The V5.1A has started to ship. Looking at the
Release Notes,
support for the HSZ70 and HSZ50 is still show
as "in a future
Other vendors, including HP, will probably
take advantage of
Compaq being bought to try to sell you their
stuff. If you
don't mind going through the pain of
relearning how the
particulars of their operating system and
hardware work,
take advantage of the opportunity to get a
good price.
However, I would hardly call your current
hardware useless.
The hardware will continue to be supported for
nearly as
long as it would have been anyway. The
software won't
suddenly stop working because the company that
support it has a different name. I'm still
running V1.3A
of DEC OSF/1 on a DEC 3000 from a company
named Digital
and they're not around anymore.
Unfortunately, it is true that in a corporate
merger the
company that spends the money tends to win all
the internal
battles. HP probably won't want to UNIX
systems any longer
than necessary if the deal goes through.
However, they
will have to support Tru64 UNIX for years due
to long term
contracts that were made when those customer
bought the
systems originally. In this industry, lots of
happen overnight, but support seems to go on
We're slowly migrating away from Tru64, mostly because
the support has
been poor for the OS. We have been doing this for
about a year. When we
reach obsolence on our largest systems, which are
Tru64 boxes, we plan
look at Sun and IBM solutions, probably IBM since
they're into Linux in
big way.
The machine I am directly responsible for, our backup
server, will
probably be migrated from Tru64 Unix to Solaris within
the coming year.
This uncertainty with Compaq and Tru64, plus shoddy
support has
caused as to lose faith in Tru64 which is too bad
because it is good
with a hell of a lot of potential for improvement.
--- Tru64 User <> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Just want to know what others are thinking out
> there.
> My current scenario.
> Have
> 2 4100's, associated with HSZ70's, firmware 7.3
> 2 2100's associated with HSZ50, firmware 5.7
> Couple PWS 433 AU
> Both 4100 have KZPSC controllers for system disks.
> I upgraded the PWS to 5.1, and cannot currently
> upgrade 4100 & 2100 to 5.1, due to retired
> interfaces
> and other retired support issues.
> I also saw that in future release ( i would assume
> in
> 5.1A now) HSZ70 and HSZ50 wont be supported anymore,
> regardless of firmware.
> So pretty much all our hardware is soon to be deemed
> useless (well, interms of official support from
> compaq)
> eg. the KZPSC storage controllers have been retired
> already.
> Even if we shove money now for firmware upgrade of
> the
> hsz70's (2 dual reduntant controller=4), it wont be
> supported at the next OS level!!!
> Now, with the buyout of "Inspire" by "Invent", who
> knows the expected shelf life of the current Tru64??
> Is it time to think of a new vendor all together??
> =====
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Received on Wed Sep 19 2001 - 20:07:15 NZST