From: Skulley, William <>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 13:22:20 -0600

Catching up on the summaries...

I got a few responses, the gist of which said that while creating the single
ADVFS domain is slightly easier to administrate, it is also more risky if
something goes wrong or corrupt. Most respondents felt that the flexibility
gained in disk administration of a single domain was outweighed by the
safety in having two seperate domains (filesets filling up on one domain
will not affect the other, ADVFS domain logging is split over two devices,

Thanks to :
William Bochnik
Alan at DEC
Todd McGuinness

Bill Skulley

Original question:

We are running ES40 systems on Tru 64 5.1 with third party RAIDarrays. We
are about to build another Oracle server and are going to attach 128GB
RAID arrays to it, daisy chained off a single SCSI adapter (I know this
limits the throughput). We want to end up with 6 filesets across the RAIDs.

I think we can:

Create one ADVFS domain using both arrays, and create the six ADVFS filesets
in that domain, or
Create two ADVFS domain, one per array, and create three ADVFS filesets per
ADVFS domain.

We do have the ADVFS utilities license, and do not use LSM. Is one of these
configurations better than the other? What are the pros/cons for these
configurations? Is there another configuration option I may have missed
which is better?

Bill Skulley
Received on Thu Sep 20 2001 - 19:23:08 NZST

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