Greetings, list
A quick one: setting up a couple of just-out-of-the-box DS20E's, and for
some incredible reason, I can't get the supplied OSF-BASE information to
register. The "Quick Setup" (config after first boot to X) fails/hangs at
the end, with the Tcl script error message "Not enough units to load
OSF-BASE". Rebooting and entering the OSF-BASE PAK manually - exactly as
printed - in lmf doesn't improve things. I haven't even gotten to
registering/loading OSF-SVR or OSF-USR.
One curiosity: the default NUMBER OF UNITS in "QUick Setup" is zero;
the number supplied on the OSF-BASE certificate is "50". This does not
seem to be an issue, as e.g., when setting up the last couple of DS10's
we took delivery of, the default was "0" but the number of units on the
BASE paks in question was, in those cases, "15". No problems.
The BASE PAKs for each DS20E shows as "enabled" after manual lmf entries,
but won't load.
It's discouraging to run into problems with a machine so early in dealing
with it - not just once, but twice (this happens on each DS20E). I've
setup many, many machines (DS10's, etc) before w/o incident.
Christopher C Stevenson, C4063 office: (709) 737-2624
Dept. of Physics & Physical Oceanography fax: (709) 737-8739
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, Newfoundland, CANADA A1B 3X7
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
-- Oscar Wilde
Received on Mon Sep 24 2001 - 15:42:31 NZST